Alora Telephony Homecare Software is a powerful system designed to bring the highest level of productivity, efficiency, and compliance to the process of conducting home care visits. Telephony integrates with the complete Alora Home Care Software, engineered to be a whole-office, all in one solution for agencies with staffs of any size. This integration allows your agency to enjoy maximum efficiency, streamlined workflow, and electronic visit verification, while keeping administrators and managers on top of the status of the home visits as they are occurring.
Alora Telephony solution enables your agency to:
Maximize Administrative & Caregiver Efficiency in Your Workflow
Alora’s Telephony Software solution offers homecare agencies the power of knowing the details of home visits, as they are taking place. Alora Telephony captures the start time, end time and tasks performed instantaneously, providing the agency with a view of the activity as it is being captured. The system provides alerts for delayed visits and no shows. Alora telephony software solution fully integrates with Alora’s cloud based Home Care Software system. As the visits are completed at patient’s home, Alora Home Health Software updates the system with actual start and end times. The visits are then automatically marked as completed and are ready for billing and payroll. Alora Telephony Software can capture tasks completed and has the ability to compare tasks performed against plan of care.
Enjoy maximum efficiency, streamlined workflow, and unmatched ease of use, while keeping administrators and managers aware of the status of the visits as they are occurring in the field.
Electronic Visit Verification + Workflow Automation Alora’s Integrated Telephony not only verifies the visit to avoid potential fraud, but also automates workflow for the agency while saving money, improving compliance, and increasing cash flow Administrative Efficiency + Staff Productivity Significantly reduces manual entries and automates the visit capturing process, resulting in the highest accuracy and productivity. Integrated with Comprehensive Home Care Software Solution Compared with traditional stand alone telephony solutions, Alora offers a fully integrated telephony solution that automates workflow for the home care agency complete with billing, scheduling, payroll and compliance. Substantial ROI for Agency Agencies using Alora’s Telephony Automation solution see remarkable return on investment (ROI) through savings on employee salary, staff productivity, fraud prevention, patient satisfaction and faster cash flow. Unmatched Ease of Use Like all of Alora’s intuitively designed Homecare Software Solutions, Telephony offers an exceptionally easy to use interface for both the administrator & the caregiver.
Some of the most significant advantages of Alora Telephony for the Homecare office:
Plan of Care Based Task Capturing During visits at the patient’s residence, Alora’s integrated Telephony interface prompts the employee on all of the tasks necessary to complete based on the patient’s plan of care. This process ensures compliance and a high level of control. This process empowers the administrator to:
Ready for Billing With the system automating many back-office tasks that are normally a manual process, the process of billing with Alora Telephony is particularly efficient for management and/or administrators. Once a visit has been completed, Alora Homecare Software is automatically updated through the Telephony integration with all of the visit information. The visit then becomes ready for Billing & Payroll.
What sets our Telephony Automation Software apart?
One Solution Alora’s Telephony feature was designed with staff productivity, accuracy and compliance in mind. Our integrated solution is packed with features that bring convenience and ease of workflow to staff in the office and the field. We provide a complete solution without hidden costs, which is fully supported and regularly enhanced to ensure compliance. The agency need not worry about investing in devices such as smart phones or other equipment for their caregivers. Alora’s Telephony solution requires no investment in additional devices. We’re With You At Alora, we consider ourselves your partner in the success of your agency. Our full time, English & Spanish speaking support staff are here to assist you in any way possible to ensure that your Telephony Homecare Software integration is bringing your staff the maximum level of productivity achievable.
Elevate Staff Productivity Through the Industry’s Premiere All-In-One Home Health Care Software Solution Your business shouldn’t require multiple software systems to thrive in Home Health care. Alora is the industry’s truly complete cloud-based home health care software solution which can be customized to the unique workflow of your business. “Alora is the Answer” PERSONAL ENOUGH FOR YOUR NURSES… PROFESSIONAL ENOUGH FOR YOUR ADMINISTRATORS…
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