

Wisconsin Medicaid EVV

Alora simplifies EVV for Wisconsin home health care agencies.

EVV Software for Wisconsin

Alora has made EVV easy for Wisconsin home care agencies.  Thousands of caregivers enjoy the ease of Alora EVV and love to use it every day because it makes their work-life easier!  The benefit to the agency is not only compliance with DHS but also better operational efficiency than ever before!

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Wisconsin Home Health Software with EVV

Alora Home Health Software is a complete system tailored for WI home care agencies. It includes a built-in EVV solution compliant with DHS. Alora’s electronic visit verification tool captures and integrates all the EVV data into the rest of your agency’s workflow, including billing and payroll. The result is higher efficiency.

Benefits to your agency:

  • Live monitoring of home visits where you can react quickly to delays & no-shows
  • Accelerate billing and payroll – the EVV information flows to billing and payroll automatically
  • Empower your caregivers – they can complete plan of care-based visit notes right from the EVV interface, swiftly check their schedules, look up client information, and communicate with your agency through secure messaging
  • Paperless workflow – eliminate the need for paper documentation and timesheets




Wisconsin homecare agencies can now enjoy the numerous advantages of live-monitoring home visits. Alora’s EVV system generates notifications of any delayed visits or no-shows. With a real-time view of what is happening with all visits conducted in the field as they are happening, you have greater assurance of compliance and agency workflow. Alora’s integrated EVV solution keeps your agency fully informed while simultaneously avoiding the risks of lost revenue associated with missed visits.

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Mobile Ready Home Health software


Alora is an award-winning software, consistently rated as the easiest to use by caregivers and administrators alike. Caregivers can complete visits on their smartphones or tablets…while administrators can enjoy the power of managing your entire agency from the convenience of the mobile device in your pocket!  


Alora was engineered with the expertise of home health professionals and software technology experts, resulting in an extraordinarily easy to use software system. With free training and an easy to use interface, agency adoption is seamless and quick.



EVV data captured by Alora’s electronic visit verification software automatically flows into Alora’s main Home Health Software for Wisconsin agencies. Once a caregiver departs from a patient’s home, the visit information automatically updates within Alora , including the date of the visit with start and end time. The visit is then marked as complete, automating the process of preparation for billing and payroll. Any visits that are not executed as planned are immediately flagged within Alora Homecare software for manual review.

Visit the following link to learn more about Alora’s complete software for Wisconsin home health agencies.



Even absent a mandated electronic visit verification solution, the sluggish, labor-intensive process of entering data manually, paired with the guesswork in-home visits, can cost agencies time and money. This leads to placing your Medicaid reimbursements at risk, which in turn increases the probability of fraud and other obstacles to agency growth and profitability.

Alora Home Health Software for Wisconsin makes EVV simple for both administrators and caregivers. With a fully integrated electronic visit verification system integrated inside your agency EMR, all of the data of your visits from the moment the caregiver arrives at a patient’s home through the time they depart, is captured. Once pressing “Start Visit” on their mobile device, all your caregivers have to do is focus on patient care.

Comparatively, trying to manage visits with a standalone EVV system that lacks homecare software integration, is a costly and time-consuming endeavor. Without two-way data flow and verification of client’s Medicaid ID, agency name, caregiver and patient electronic signatures, or details of the exact services being provided, your agency’s compliance and reimbursements are at risk. Mistakes are costly, frustrating administrators and caregivers, and possibly delaying or compromising patient care.

Learn more about Wisconsin’s Home Health Software EVV solution today


For questions on Wisconsin EVV, click here to visit the Wisconsin Department of Health Services Website or click here for EVV FAQs

Wisconsin Medicaid EVV…Simplified


For definitive assurance that caregivers and clinicians successfully completed all of the individual tasks required within the patient’s plan of care, Alora generates patient-specific visit notes, derived directly from the Plan of Care. Home Health aides and nurses can easily complete documentation directly within Alora’s EVV interface – simplifying workflow and improving compliance with electronic visit verification requirements.

Thrive in the era of EVV…For a pressure-free demo, contact us at 1-800-954-8250 Ext 2 or click here to schedule a demo.

The Best Wisconsin Home Health Software

Mobile-Ready, Cloud-based Platform – Connectivity with Any Device

As Colorado’s premier mobile-ready and browser friendly solution, Alora’s point of care features can be scaled to any device. Alora is built for whatever workflow works for your agency, including remote work in the age of pandemic homecare. Your caregivers can access Alora’s robust features and functionality using their smartphones, tablets, and laptops…your Alora, your way.

· Billing

· Electronic claims for all payers

· Medication profile and interactions

· Accounts receivable

· HR functions

· OASIS & comprehensive assessment

· OASIS analyzer

· Plan of care (485)

· Automatic 485 generation

· Electronic signature capture

· Dashboard

· Eval, POC & notes for all disciplines

· COVID-19 Screening

· Physician orders

· Flexible Scheduling

· Internal email

· Payroll

· ICD10 codes

· Quality assurance

· Integrated Faxing

· Braden scale

· Referral tracking

Alora’s award winning customer service forges a partnership with your agency from day one, working hand-in-hand with your staff to facilitate flexible implementation. Choose the features and devices you and your staff need to achieve maximum productivity and experience the Alora difference.



  • Wisconsin Medicaid compliant EVV
  • Captures & sends patient and caregiver signatures, visit start time and end time with GPS location
  • Viewable Schedules
  • Plan of Care based Visit Note
  • Mobile ready. Operates across smartphones, tablets, & other devices.
  • Live monitoring & Alerts: Real-time, color-coded views of the status of all visits
  • EVV data automation for billing and payroll.
  • Simplicity of use


Alora is one of the nation’s premier providers of software solutions for the Home Health Care industry. We are a trusted partner to Wisconsin homecare agencies, improving productivity, profitability, and performance by automating virtually every management function of day to day operation.

The 21st Century Cures Act mandates the use of EVV systems by home care agencies when billing through Medicaid. Alora helps agencies thrive with the requirements for electronic visit verification for Wisconsin Medicaid patient visits.

Since 2005, Alora has been a preferred software vendor for home health agencies in Wisconsin, helping agencies achieve improved patient care and maximum operational efficiency. Our company was built on a culture of continuous improvement and our highest priority…customer satisfaction. Alora’s team of professionals are dedicated to providing agencies with the most powerful technology for home care, partnering with them for growth and success.


Wisconsin Electronic visit verification had an original soft launch date of September 1, 2020, however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Wisconsin Department of Health services officially delayed the start of training as well as the soft launch date requirement to use EVV for personal care services. The new soft launch implementation date was November 2, 2020, as the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) implemented the soft launch phase of electronic visit verification (EVV) for Medicaid-covered personal care and supportive home care services: procedure codes T1019, T1020, S5125 and S5126.*

EVV in Wisconsin is still on course to be rolled out in two phases, beginning with the soft launch, followed by a hard launch. When the hard launch begins, DHS will require personal care services claims to include all required EVV information, or they risk claim denial. The hard launch date will be announced once the soft launch has been implemented.

Agencies may elect to use a Wisconsin DHS EVV system (Sandata), or an alternate EVV system so long as such a system meets all EVV requirements set forth by the state. Sandata’s aggregator technology allows providers who use Alora (and select other systems) to continue to use their system of choice (systems will need to meet EVV & DHS aggregator requirements). Sandata aggregator will work with any Wisconsin EVV system that meets the technical requirements. Technical specification details are forthcoming from Wisconsin’s DHS.


In concert with the 21st Century Cures Act, Wisconsin agency requirements for EVV visits note that a system must capture:

  • Patient’s name who receives the service
  • Caregiver’s name who provides the service
  • What care services were provided
  • The location the services were provided
  • The exact date of services provided
  • Time in/time out of the visit


Trying to manage EVV within a separate system that sits outside of your home health software, you are stuck with the burden of having to enter & re-enter data. Manual entries take time and inherently are subject to human error, resulting in mistakes, delayed payments, and other headaches.

Alora’s Home Health Software with a built-in EVV system already holds all of the important information for each visit — including patient info, caregiver identity, agency name, and service(s) provided. The benefit to this streamlined approach, means your caregivers don’t have to re-enter information when they arrive at a patient’s house.  It is as simple as pressing “Start Visit” on their mobile device using Alora EVV upon arrival.  Agency office staff won’t need to manually re-enter EVV data into a stand-alone agency management software.  With higher efficiency and data integrity, your agency can thrive in the new era of often mandated electronic visit verification.


Or give us a call at 1-800-954-8250 at a time convenient for you.

Alora offers solutions for EHR Software, Hospice Software, Home Health Software, or Homecare Software. An ideal solution for agencies of any type or size.

Wisconsin EVV Software