Alora Home Health Software is an approved EVV alternate vendor for electronic visit verification in the state of Ohio. Alora was one of the first EVV providers to be certified by ODM for Phase 1 as well as Phase 2 of EVV implementation. Alora has also successfully completed the recent demonstration requirement by ODM.
Alora Home Health Software provides integrated EVV solution for all mandated Ohio payers — including, Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM), Ohio Department of Aging, Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD), Aetna, Buckeye, CareSource, Molina, Paramount and UnitedHealthcare.
Alora’s Ohio EVV solution is built into its complete home health agency management software. Therefore, EVV information captured automatically flows into billing and payroll. Because Alora integrates EVV into claims processing, it helps eliminate the risk of claim denials due to EVV data not matching.
Click here to learn more about Alora’s EVV system for Ohio.
Click here to learn more about Alora’s complete home health software solution for Ohio agencies.
When you manage EVV outside of your home health software, you have to re-enter data. That takes time and brings mistakes. Alora Home Health Software already has all of the information for each visit — about the patient, caregiver, agency, and service provided. That means, your caregiver doesn’t have to re-enter information when they arrive at a patient’s home. And your office staff do not need to manually reenter Ohio EVV data into your agency management software. Your agency gets the benefit of accuracy and efficiency.
No other electronic visit verification provider has more expertise in EVV than Alora. The reason?
ALORA integrated EVV into our platform even before federal legislation passed; and we’ve been tailoring our solution to meet the exact requirements and processes of state Medicaid agencies, which vary from state to state.
Alora was the first alternate software solution provider authorized by several states that have implemented EVV.
As one of the premium EVV vendors for Ohio, Alora empowers your agency to meet EVV requirements – all of your EVV activities and information will be completely tied into scheduling, billing, payroll and every other aspect of your home care and/or home health services.
Here’s what EVV by Alora looks like for your agency:
When you manage EVV outside of your home health software – i.e., through a stand-alone system – you have to re-enter data. This is not time-efficient and increases the risk of mistakes.
Alora Home Health Software offers integrated EVV within one complete, comprehensive software solution. All visit information including patient, caregiver, agency, schedules, and service provided – is built-in.
Caregivers don’t have to re-enter information … agencies reap the benefits of greater accuracy and efficiency.