

EVV By State

To view the Indiana EVV Software solution by Alora, click here

Indiana Electronic Visit Verification Information

With the introduction and subsequent passage of the 21st Century Cures Act, state Medicaid programs will require providers of personal care, home care, and home health services to use an electronic visit verification (EVV) system for accurate documentation of all services performed. The federally required law directs that providers within the state of Indiana will need to utilize an approved Indiana electronic visit verification system to document the below information:

Click here to view Alora's EVV System for Florida



EVV is a requirement in the state of Florida. In this edition of the Alora Home Health blog, we’ll take a look at EVV in Florida, exploring the start date, FAQs, general information, as well as resources for you to learn more about Florida’s 2020 EVV implementation schedule.

Florida Electronic Visit Verification

The nationwide march towards EVV began with the creation of the 21st Century Cures Act. The 21st Century Cures Act mandates the following:

"States must require Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) use for all Medicaid-funded PCS by January 1, 2020 and HHCS by January 1, 2023. Otherwise, the state is subject to incremental FMAP reductions up to 1% unless the state has both made a “good faith effort” to comply and has encountered what state defines as circumstances causing agencies “unavoidable delays.”

To view the Colorado EVV Software solution by Alora, click here   Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) for Colorado Medicaid   The 21st Century Cures Act, which was passed into law in December of 2016, requires Medicaid programs to implement an Electronic Visit Verification system for Personal Care and Home...



As 2020 approaches and we draw closer to full implementation of the 21st Century cures act, Alora continues to monitor on a state by state basis how the EVV adoption process is unfolding. While many states are already up and running with their electronic visit verification system, others have petitioned for postponements or long-term delays. Here are the latest EVV updates in several states:

New EVV Survey Raises Concerns Among Homecare Providers & Industry Officials

As the movement towards mandatory EVV on the federal level continues to march forward, officials at CMS have been steadily preparing for the possible rollout of a national electronic visit verification (EVV) survey. This survey would be a non-optional requirement for agencies providing many types of care, and is intended to strengthen agency accountability, patient care, and reduce the rampant fraud that recent reports have suggested is still on the rise in numerous states.



Electronic Visit Verification, also known as EVV, is quickly becoming a federally-mandated requirement which all state Medicaid programs must implement in order to verify that home health, homecare and/or personal care services are delivered to their intended patients. Electronic visit verification is mandated under the 21st Century Cures Act, which was effectively signed into law in 2016 with the intent of decreasing the rampant levels of reported fraud within Medicaid claims filings.

The new EVV mandates require that each state must have a state-wide and properly approved Electronic Visit Verification system fully operational by an implementation deadline of January 1st 2019 for all Medicaid-funded home health agencies providing services, and by the first of January, 2021, for all Medicaid-funded personal care services.

Alora & Sandata Announce Partnership to Offer Homecare Agencies Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)


EVV Mandates on the Rise Nationwide


EVV systemsSandata Technologies, one of the nation's leading providers of home care solutions designed to simplify the process of managing services for government agencies, Managed Care Organizations, and other home care providers, issued a national press release showcasing the recent team up with Alora to address the need for effective electronic visit verification solutions. While Alora Home Health Software has specialized in simple to use solutions for the home care industry since 2005, their development over the last few years of powerful tools for homecare agencies to verifiy visits including integrated EVV,

Telephony, & AideConnect, places the company at the forefront of providers who focus on compliance paired with homecare technology.

As stated in the press release, their integration with Alora allows agencies using the Alora Home Health Software to maximize the benefits of Sandata's state-sponsored EVV solution, while ensuring compliance with the 21st Century Cures Act EVV mandate. 

Read the full press release below.