Florida EVV Software - Alora Health v


Florida Medicaid EVV Software

All-in-one EVV system for Florida home health care agencies

EVV System for Florida

With Alora, caregivers no longer need to navigate multiple EVV systems for different payers. Because Alora integrates with HHAeXchange and Netsmart, the EVV information captured by Alora is transmitted to the right aggregator.

Alora is the only EVV solution you need.  As an approved alternate EVV solution provider in Florida, Alora offers a comprehensive agency management system with fully integrated EVV capabilities to simplify operations for Florida agencies.


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With Alora, Florida agencies are in full control of what goes on with home visits. Alora home health software provides live-monitoring of home visits, alerting your agency for delayed visits and no-shows. This capability gives a real-time view of what is happening with home visits, by the minute. Stay compliant while simultaneously avoiding the risk of lost revenue generally associated with missed visits.

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AHCA has announced EVV is required for claims reimbursement. Is your agency at risk for claim denials and losing revenue? You need a robust, all-in-one home health software for Florida that integrates EVV, scheduling, patient information tracking, and clinical documentation to eliminate the risk of claim denials and bring efficiency to your operation. With Alora, you can focus on care while we handle the rest.

See how Alora can help your agency


Alora Integrates with HHAeXchange and Netsmart

Alora integrates with HHAeXchange and Netsmart.  Alora has customized its built-in EVV system for Florida to ensure simplified workflow for agencies.  Alora generates claim-ready EVV data for HHAeXchange and Netsmart.

HHAeXchange is the aggregator for the following health plans:

  • Children’s Medical Services Health Plan
  • Humana Medical Plan
  • Molina Healthcare
  • Staywell
  • Sunshine Health

Alora generates claim-ready EVV data for these health plans to HHAeXchange.

Netsmart is the EVV data aggregator for the following payers:

  • Medicaid fee-for-service
  • Aetna Better Health
  • Florida Community Care
  • Magellan Complete Care
  • Simply Healthcare
  • UnitedHealthcare

Alora transmits claim-ready EVV data for these payers to Netsmart.

AHCA and the Statewide Medicaid Managed Care (SMMC) health plans require agencies to utilize an EVV vendor. Florida has chosen an “Open Model” for EVV, meaning agency providers are free to choose any EVV system that best fits their needs. The sole requirement is that the Florida EVV system selected must collect all six data elements as required by the 21st Century CURES Act.  Alora’s Florida Home Health Care Software solution captures this information for transmission to the chosen data aggregator.


Did you know? Alora home health care software was rated “easiest to use” & for “outstanding customer support” by Software Advice.

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It’s as simple as your caregiver pushing a button on a smartphone.
When your caregiver arrives at a patient’s home, they can simply press “Start Visit.”  Instantly, Alora automatically captures information encompassing everything about the visit into your agency workflow data.

This allows your agency to:

  • Monitor live visits as they are occurring in the patient’s home
  • Automatically track delayed visits and no-shows
  • Ensure fast and accurate billing and payroll (Electronic visit verification data automatically integrates directly to claims, processing and payroll)
  • Caregivers can view and complete plan of care-based visit notes within the EVV interface
  • Simplify your caregiver’s workflow with a system consistently rated easiest to use
  • Home Health aides can easily confirm their individual schedule, view patient information, and send secure messages to the agency with text notifications
  • Quick access to ALORA SN Note & OASIS, resulting in smooth workflow at the patient’s home and seamless data delivery to the back-office


Florida is defined as an “Open Model” state, meaning agency providers are free to choose any EVV system that best fits their needs. The sole requirement is that the Florida EVV system selected must collect all six data elements as required by the 21st Century CURES Act. Those requirements are:

  • Exact date and time services were performed
  • Start and end time of services provided
  • Type of service performed
  • Location where services were provided
  • Individual who provided services
  • Individual who received services


When does Florida EVV start?

AHCA has directed SMCC health plans to require providers to electronically verify all visits for home health and personal care services beginning on December 1, 2019. Enforcement of payment penalties for non-compliance will begin on February 1, 2020.


EVV’s Updated GO-LIVE date –  December 1, 2020

The Agency for Health Care Administration announced the implementation date for electronic visit verification (EVV) for behavior analysis (BA) services as December 1, 2020 for the pilot Regions 9, 10, and 11.  Providers must bill through the Tellus EVV System and must no longer bill via the Medicaid Provider Web Portal.  Beginning December 1, 2020, claims billed through FMMIS will not be paid.  Providers should act now to reorient themselves to using the Tellus EVV System and take advantage of the options outlined below for training and technical assistance. Florida providers may still use an alternate EVV system of their choosing so long as it meets the requirements of aggregator data transmission through the state provided system.



Section 409.9132, Florida Statutes (F.S.), instructs Home Health care agencies operating in the state of Florida to choose a capable vendor to operate an Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Program of home health services provided through the fee-for-service delivery system. The chosen electronic visit verification system must meet the following requirements:

  • EVV System must verify the utilization and delivery of home health services including (home health visits, personal care services, & private duty nursing)
  • EVV System must hold sufficient technology which can identify and deliver details of the homecare services while deterring fraudulent and/or abusive billing for the service
  • EVV System must provide an interface for electronic billing and require electronic submission of claims for home health services.

*For additional information visit https://ahca.myflorida.com/Medicaid/home_health/dmv.shtml

Florida’s AHCA EVV System allows the use of EVV third-party integration software for approved Florida EVV systems. ALORA features an EVV system designed to capture and send EVV data to the Florida EVV Claims system for billing.


Florida Medicaid has chosen three aggregators for EVV: HHA Exchange, Tellus and Coastal Care. Florida Medicaid involves direct Medicaid as well as MCOs.  ALORA Home Health Software will integrate with Tellus and HHA Exchange.  EVV data will be captured through ALORA and then transmitted directly to Tellus & HHA Exchange.

Read more about Florida EVV

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ALORA offers forward-thinking agencies a comprehensive alternative to simply finding an EVV system which meets the minimum required functionality of Florida’s compliance standards. The choice for a complete Home Health Software for Florida with integrated EVV allows you to thrive as an agency, putting your administrative and management staff as well as your caregivers in a position to enjoy worry free EVV. ALORA simplifies everything, from office management to patient care.


With ALORA, EVV data is automatically captured and integrated seamlessly within ALORA’s user-friendly system, then transmitted securely to meet Florida’s electronic visit verification requirements. Once a caregiver leaves the patient’s home, the system automatically updates with the start and end time of the visit, and the visit is then categorized as completed. The visit is then instantly ready for billing and payroll. Any visit that does not happen as scheduled is flagged by the system for administrator review.


Take your agency to the next level by eliminating outdated technology and slow inefficient processes. Automating agency workflow delivers a higher level of productivity for caregivers and administrative staff. The instant a caregiver departs from a patient’s home, the process of billing and payroll starts. ALORA ends the slow, cumbersome process of manual data entry, which siphons valuable staff work hours, increases costs, and inhibits agency growth.
Call us today at 1-800-954-8250 Ext 2 to speak with a Florida Homecare Agency Solutions Consultant



Making your work life easier is our mission at ALORA. Our home health agency management software is engineered to be a full solution for integrated EVV with your user experience in mind. Dispose of the hassle associated with trying to use two separate software solutions, which have to be programmed to communicate with each other to successfully transmitting critical Florida EVV data. ALORA handles all the critical EVV data in one secure, comprehensive solution, so you can focus on patient care and revenue generation, and agency growth.

Want to Learn More? Schedule a Quick “No-obligation” Agency Consultation now


ALORA offers a whole-agency, award-winning home health software for Florida built to keep you compliant successful. The software is fully mobile, empowering you to manage your agency from the convenience of your pocket. ALORA is packed with optimized mobile-ready features including:

· Billing

· Electronic claims for all payers

· Medication profile and interactions

· Accounts receivable

· HR functions

· OASIS & comprehensive assessment

· OASIS analyzer

· Plan of care (485)

· Automatic 485 generation

· Electronic signature capture

· Dashboard

· Eval, POC & notes for all disciplines

· Integrated Faxing

· Physician orders

· Flexible Scheduling

· Internal email

· Payroll

· ICD10 codes

· Quality assurance

· Communication log

· Braden scale

· Referral tracking


ALORA is caregiver friendly and mobile-ready, with point of care features which can be scaled to any device. Access ALORA using your smartphone, tablet, or laptop.


  • Florida Medicaid-compliant EVV integrated with ALORA’s full Home Health Software Solution
  • Dynamic EVV system captures & transmits patient and caregiver signatures, visit start and end times, along with GPS location
  • Plan-of-care based visit notes accessible on your mobile device of choice
  • Easy viewing of caregiver schedules
  • Live monitoring of visits, with color-coded view of the status
  • Mobile ready, operating seamlessly across smartphones, tablets, and other devices of choice.
  • Visits are automatically ready for billing and payroll once finished.
Florida EVV System