

New York Medicaid EVV System

Alora software simplifies EVV for New York home care agencies.

New York Medicaid EVV Software

Alora has made EVV easy for New York home health and personal care agencies. Thousands of caregivers enjoy the ease of Alora EVV and love to use it every day because it makes their work-life easier. The benefits for the agency are not only compliance with the New York Medicaid requirements but also a greater level of operational efficiency than previously experienced.




Why Alora’s EVV System for New York?


Alora Integrates with HHAeXchange and eMedNY

Alora integrates with HHAeXchange and New York Medicaid Management System (MMIS) known as eMedNY.  Alora has customized its built-in EVV system for New York to ensure simplified workflow for agencies.

HHAeXchange is the aggregator for the following health plans:

  • Aetna
  • Elder Plan
  • Fedelis Care
  • Health First
  • Nascentia
  • Senior Whole Health
  • VNS Health

Alora generates claim-ready EVV data for these health plans to HHAeXchange.



Alora offers live-monitoring of home visits, alerting your agency for delayed visits and no-shows. This capability gives a real-time view of what is happening with home visits, by the minute.  It helps your agency stay compliant while avoiding lost revenue due to missed visits.  With Alora, New York Home health care provider agencies are in full control of what goes on with home visits.



New York Medicaid has announced that they will deny claims for services provided without EVV compliance. Is your agency going to be at risk for claim denials? You need a robust home health care software for New York that integrates EVV (electronic visit verification) into claims generation to eliminate the risk of claim denials. With Alora, you can rest easy.

See how Alora can help your agency


Because EVV is integrated with Alora Home Health Software, the EVV data captured automatically flows into the Alora system. As soon as your caregiver leaves the patient’s home, the visit scheduled in the Alora system gets updated with the start and end time and is marked as completed. Instantly, the visit becomes ready for billing and payroll. Any visit that did not occur as planned is flagged for manual review.



Because the Alora EVV solution is integrated as part of our all-in-one agency management system, the level of automation you can achieve with Alora home health software can elevate your agency workflow to much greater efficiency. Compare this to an agency with a standalone New York EVV system that does not integrate with their agency workflow.  They have to commit several manual hours daily to copy all the EVV data from the standalone system, in order to be able to bill accurately and make the payroll. This slow, labor-intensive, process not only costs money but also is prone to errors that will put their Medicaid reimbursement at risk.

Would you like to automate and thrive or keep working harder to remain where you are?  Alora can help your agency thrive.

Call 1-800-954-8250 Ext 2 to speak with our New York Agency Solutions Consultant




Alora makes work life easier for your caregivers. The benefit of having a New York EVV software system fully integrated within Alora’s agency management system is that Alora already knows everything about the visit when your caregiver arrives at the patient’s home. As a result, your caregiver can simply press “Start Visit” upon arrival and proceed with the patient care.

Compare this to a standalone EVV system that does not have any prior knowledge of the visit. It doesn’t know the client’s Medicaid ID, the agency, the caregiver, or the service being provided. Your caregiver has to enter all of this upon arrival. This entry takes time and often leads to mistakes. Mistakes are costly because they frustrate your caregivers, delay the care for the patient, and uncorrected mistakes can affect the reimbursements for your agency.



Did your caregiver actually complete all the tasks required in the patient’s plan of care? Alora removes the questions and gives you certainty – our software generates patient-specific visit notes that are derived from the POC.  Your aides and clinicians can perform their documentation right from the Alora EVV interface – making their workflow simple.

How can we help you?



Alora empowers personal care workers with a New York Home Health Software solution that not only captures electronic visit verification, but also allows them to check their schedules, look up client information, complete plan of care based visit notes,  and communicate with the agency through secure email with text notification. Alora is mobile-ready and user-friendly, enabling your agency’s home health aides to access Alora software from their smartphones or any other mobile devices.



Alora offers award-winning user-friendly software for New York homecare. In addition to capturing EVV information, clinicians can complete their visit notes and assessments right at the patient’s home while having access to all relevant clinical information in the palm of their hand. The EVV component of Alora provides clinicians quick access to visit notes and OASIS assessments ensuring that their workflow at the patient’s home is easy and straightforward.



No Internet connectivity at the patient’s home? No problem. Alora provides a homecare telephony solution as a back up to the GPS based NY EVV software. When your caregiver is at the patient’s home and does not have Internet connectivity, she can simply use the telephony solution to capture EVV.



Alora is not just an Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) solution for New York agencies, we offer a centralized, powerful home health software system for NY home health care. Additionally, Alora is a complete agency management EMR for New York agencies that covers the clinical, financial, and operational aspects of a home health care business. With EVV integrated seamlessly, Alora is able to improve the operational efficiency and cost savings for your agency.

See it for yourself



Alora brings all caregivers into electronic documentation, including your personal care attendants. With Alora, your aides no longer need to complete their visit notes on paper. Your aides will love Alora’s easy to use interface and feel empowered to check their schedules, complete plan of care based visit note, capture time in/time out, patient’s signature, and their own signature.  Your aides can also communicate with your team via HIPAA secure internal email with text notification.

Alora’s workflow allows your agency to establish QA review on your aide visit notes and approve them or return for corrections. This electronic workflow keeps your agency at a higher level of efficiency by avoiding paper clutter. Your caregivers are going to love the sophisticated solutions you are providing to make their life easier.

Alora’s home health software for NY with built-in EVV solution improves agency efficiency and reduces costs by avoiding manual entries of visit information.  Experience how New York home health agencies can not only meet, but exceed the requirements of the EVV mandate while improving agency workflow to a new level of efficiency.  The Alora EVV solution improves profitability by eliminating manual data entry tasks and help your agency thrive.  For a no-obligation demo, contact us at 1-800-954-8250 Ext 2 or click here to schedule a demo.



Alora’s New York EVV functionality offers a complete Electronic Visit Verification solution for home health agencies. In addition to meeting New York DOH EVV system requirements, Alora’s live monitoring capabilities allow your agency to view the status of all home visits in real-time, alerting you to delayed visits and no-shows.  Meanwhile, your aides have at their fingertips an easy to use software tool that provides them with their schedules, client information, and the care plan based visit note. Nurses can perform their visit notes and assessments right at the patient’s home while having access to all relevant clinical information in the palm of their hand.

Because Alora’s EVV solution is seamlessly integrated within Alora’s complete home care software, all EVV information captured automatically flows into the system, from home visits to billing and payroll.  This synergy of integrated information ultimately allows you to avoid manual entry, while simultaneously improving workflow efficiency and accuracy.



  • Avoid loss of revenue due to no-shows
  • Eliminate inefficiencies of manual data entry into home health software
  • Workflow centralized into easily managed processes
  • Improves aide efficiency and accountability
  • Eliminates documentation errors
  • Faster billing – visits are ready for billing and payroll once visit is completed
  • Ensures patients receive their medically necessary services
  • Go paperless with Alora’s Plan of Care based visit notes
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Alora Drives Clinical Excellence, Efficiency, and Financial Success

Alora offers a robust home health software for New York agencies to stay compliant and thrive:

· Billing

· Electronic claims for all payers

· Medication profile and interactions

· Accounts receivable

· HR functions

· OASIS & comprehensive assessment

· OASIS analyzer

· Plan of care (485)

· Automatic 485 generation

· Electronic signature capture

· Dashboard

· Eval, POC & notes for all disciplines

· Integrated Faxing

· Physician orders

· Flexible Scheduling

· Internal email

· Payroll

· ICD10 codes

· Quality assurance

· Communication log

· Braden scale

· Referral tracking

Alora‘s flexible implementation methodologies allow you to choose only the features and devices you and your employees need to realize maximum productivity.

A Mobile-Ready Web-based Platform Means Connectivity with Any Device

Because Alora’s Home Health Software is a mobile-ready and browser-friendly solution, its point-of-care features can be scaled to any device. That means your caregivers can access our solutions using their smartphones, tablets, and laptops.


Alora’s NY EVV was designed to not only fulfill DOH requirements but additionally, its feature capabilities anticipate and simplify the aspects of your visit workflow that may have previously cost your agency time and productivity.


  • NY DOH Medicaid-compliant EVV
  • Captures and sends patient and caregiver signatures, visit start time, and end time with GPS location
  • Plan of Care-based Visit Note
  • Viewable Schedules
  • Live monitoring & Alerts: Real-time, color-coded views of the status of all visits
  • Mobile ready. Operates across smartphones, tablets, and other devices.
  • EVV data flow in the system for billing and payroll.
  • The simplicity of use improves caregiver efficiency & patient satisfaction

New York EVV Requirements

NY EVV Start Dates:

  • Medicaid-funded personal care services (PCS) – January 1, 2021
  • Medicaid-funded Home Health Care Services (HHCS) – January 1, 2023


New York operates under the “Choice Model” to fulfill the mandated EVV requirements set forth by the 21st Century Cures Act. This means that NYSDOH requires that providers of Medicaid-funded personal care services (PCS) select, and implement an EVV system that meets each of the requirements of the 21st Century Cures Act effective January 1, 2021. Providers of Medicaid-funded Home Health Care Services (HHCS) will be required to select and implement an EVV system by January 1, 2023. In addition, providers will be required to submit EVV data to NYSDOH, which will be aggregated for reporting and audit purposes.

Any approved EVV system for New York must collect the following data points:

  • The precise date of the visit
  • The time when the visit starts and ends
  • The type of services the patient received during the visit
  • The name of the caregiver who provided the services during
    the visit
  • The name of the person/patient receiving the services
  • The exact location of the visit


New York Medicaid EVV & the 21st Century Cures Act

EVV is defined as an electronic-based system that verifies when and where provider visits occur, as well as collects the relevant data and documents verifying the precise time services begin and end. This process ensures that members receive authorized services. To meet federal compliance guidelines set forth by the 21st Century Cures Act, and the choice model in which New York is operating under, a compliant EVV system must be able to collect and transmit either individually or through an aggregator:

1. The type of service performed
2. The name of the individual receiving the service
3. The exact date of the service
4. The exact location of service delivery
5. The name of the individual providing the service
6. The exact time the service begins and ends


Has the EVV mandate made your life easier?

Consider switching to Alora and make the work-life easier for you and your staff. Alora can automate your workflow – EVV data captured can flow into billing and payroll without needing manual intervention. All visits that happened as planned, automatically flow through the system. Any visit that did not follow the rules set by you would wait in a queue for your approval or correction. This solution can improve your agency’s efficiency tremendously while making your life easier. So give Alora a try. We really feel that we can help.

Alora is one of the nation’s premier providers of software solutions for the Home Health Care industry. We are a trusted partner to more than 1,000 agency locations, improving their productivity, profitability, and performance by automating virtually every data capture and management function of their day-to-day operations.

The 21st Century Cures Act mandates the use of EVV systems by home care agencies when billing through Medicaid. Alora helps agencies not just meet, but thrive with the requirements for electronic visit verification for New York Medicaid patient visits.

Since 2005, Alora has been a preferred software vendor for home health agencies and has helped agencies improve their patient care outcome and operational efficiency.  We’ve built our company on a culture that encourages continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. The result is a team of professionals who are dedicated to effectively bridging the gap between your needs and the most powerful technology, keeping us at the forefront of the Home Health Care Software industry.

Schedule a Quick “No Obligation” Demo of Alora:

Or give us a call at 1-800-954-8250 at a time convenient for you.