

Florida EVV Tag

Click here to view Alora's EVV System for Florida



EVV is a requirement in the state of Florida. In this edition of the Alora Home Health blog, we’ll take a look at EVV in Florida, exploring the start date, FAQs, general information, as well as resources for you to learn more about Florida’s 2020 EVV implementation schedule.

Florida Electronic Visit Verification

The nationwide march towards EVV began with the creation of the 21st Century Cures Act. The 21st Century Cures Act mandates the following:

"States must require Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) use for all Medicaid-funded PCS by January 1, 2020 and HHCS by January 1, 2023. Otherwise, the state is subject to incremental FMAP reductions up to 1% unless the state has both made a “good faith effort” to comply and has encountered what state defines as circumstances causing agencies “unavoidable delays.”