

Home Health Agencies Tag

For most agencies, compliance is top of mind when dealing with administrative challenges. The OIG has conducted several audits of home health agencies in recent years, including billing audits for services that were not medically necessary or were not provided as claimed. In this home...

POC charting is a powerful solution for home health agencies. This charting method provides an accurate and efficient way to record service provision. Today's home health software has revolutionized the way we record patient information. POC charting is the best way for staff to document...

Has your agency been successful under PDGM? In this blog, we'll review how to master the Patient-Driven Grouping Model payment structure in home health in 2023. Discover effective strategies to help your home health agency thrive under the new payment model, including patient-centered care, prioritizing...

What are the biggest post-pandemic trends in non-medical home care to watch in 2023? Take a look at 6 post-pandemic trends in home care that could affect the future of companionship and non-medical care agencies. Find out what they are and how home care agencies...

Inflation has affected the Home Care industry in many significant ways. Read more about this topic in this homecare agency blog. In this blog, we'll review the five most significant ways inflation has affected the home care, home health, and hospice industries, and how agency...

Healthcare Companies Increase Consideration of  Investment in Home Health Care Sector Opportunities & Expansions   Jan, 2018  Many analysts across sectors including but not limited to Healthcare, watched with anxiety in February and March as the Stock Market went on several roller coaster rides due to politics, the...