

Home Health Software Tag

Home Health Software for MBI


Is Your Home Health Care Software Ready?


Will your Medicare Claims continue to pay after January 1, 2020? Are you ready for the BIG Change? No, we are not talking about PDGM, but that is coming, too.

In 2018, Medicare began the process of issuing a Medicare Beneficiary Identifier to all eligible participants. Home Health and Hospice Providers should be using this identifier in place of the HICN or Social Security Number for billing purposes at this time.  All Claims submitted on or after January 1, 2020 should have the MBI, even for dates of service prior to the effective date.

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RCD Moves Forward in Texas and North Carolina

In the latest news for RCD, the choice selection period for Home Health Agencies (HHAs) located in Texas officially began on Jan 15th 2020, and will end on Feb 13th, 2020. HHAs can visit Palmetto GBA’s provider portal here for additional information and details on selection process. The portal guides HHAs through viewing their available choices and making selections. Any HHAs that do not make a choice selection by the February 13, 2020 deadline will be automatically placed in Choice 2: Post payment Review. After the conclusion of the choice selection period, the demonstration will begin in Texas on March 2, 2020, and all episodes of care starting on or after that date will be subject to requirements of the choice selected.

Medicare Advantage Plans for 2020


CMS Signals New Home Care Benefits Coming in 2020 with MA Plans


 (MA) plans (Medicare Advantage plans) are poised to release a new set of benefits for home care in 2020. Home care premiums are anticipated to experience a significant drop by more than 22%, this the announcement from the current federal government.

This year's challenging business and healthcare environment has brought about a number of questions and unforeseen circumstances that have impacted Home Health Care agencies nationwide. With COVID-19, PDGM, EVV, and a series of other developments making waves, the home health software your agency is using makes a huge difference in your agency's ability to adapt and thrive in the homecare market...



As 2020 approaches and we draw closer to full implementation of the 21st Century cures act, Alora continues to monitor on a state by state basis how the EVV adoption process is unfolding. While many states are already up and running with their electronic visit verification system, others have petitioned for postponements or long-term delays. Here are the latest EVV updates in several states:

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 RCD Implementation Update

In the latest homecare news, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will delay the implementation of Review Choice Demonstration (RCD) so agencies have adequate time to adapt to the upcoming Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM) prior to implementation of RCD. In one state however, CMS is not delaying implementation.