

Targeted Infection Control Survey Tag

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and State Survey Agencies (SSAs) are conducting targeted infection control surveys of select home health and hospice providers to ensure providers are following proper infection control practices during the COVID-19 public health emergency. Organizations are being identified for the surveys through collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR).

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RCD Moves Forward in Texas and North Carolina

In the latest news for RCD, the choice selection period for Home Health Agencies (HHAs) located in Texas officially began on Jan 15th 2020, and will end on Feb 13th, 2020. HHAs can visit Palmetto GBA’s provider portal here for additional information and details on selection process. The portal guides HHAs through viewing their available choices and making selections. Any HHAs that do not make a choice selection by the February 13, 2020 deadline will be automatically placed in Choice 2: Post payment Review. After the conclusion of the choice selection period, the demonstration will begin in Texas on March 2, 2020, and all episodes of care starting on or after that date will be subject to requirements of the choice selected.

Alora & Sandata Announce Partnership to Offer Homecare Agencies Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)


EVV Mandates on the Rise Nationwide


EVV systemsSandata Technologies, one of the nation's leading providers of home care solutions designed to simplify the process of managing services for government agencies, Managed Care Organizations, and other home care providers, issued a national press release showcasing the recent team up with Alora to address the need for effective electronic visit verification solutions. While Alora Home Health Software has specialized in simple to use solutions for the home care industry since 2005, their development over the last few years of powerful tools for homecare agencies to verifiy visits including integrated EVV,

Telephony, & AideConnect, places the company at the forefront of providers who focus on compliance paired with homecare technology.

As stated in the press release, their integration with Alora allows agencies using the Alora Home Health Software to maximize the benefits of Sandata's state-sponsored EVV solution, while ensuring compliance with the 21st Century Cures Act EVV mandate. 

Read the full press release below.