

Home Health Software for California

The all-in-one software solution for California home health care agencies.

California Home Health Software

Alora is an all-in-one software solution to fulfill the operational, clinical, and financial needs of home health care agencies in California.  Alora is a web-based, mobile-ready, home care software that is customized for the needs of California home health care agencies to provide the highest level of efficiency and compliance.


All-in-one California Home Health Software


Alora offers a complete software solution for CA agencies to efficiently manage their operational, clinical and financial functions.  Here is how your agency can benefit from Alora:

  • Paperless workflow
  • Complete solution to handle both Skilled and Non-Skilled care with Assessments, Plan of Care (POC), and POC driven Visit Notes for all major disciplines
  • Integrated Medi-Cal approved EVV system for California
  • You can live-monitor visit activities and react to delays or no-shows in real time
  • Billing and compliance for Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Medi-Cal, managed care, VA, private insurance, and private pay
  • Integrated California ALIRTS report generation
  • Built-in electronic faxing to physicians, payers, and others with just a click
  • Streamlined scheduling, documentation, quality assurance, billing, and HR operations for enhanced efficiency
  • Your caregivers have the flexibility to access the software from their smartphones, tablets, or laptops.  Alora is mobile-ready.
  • Unparalleled customer service, with calls answered by experts, usually on the first ring


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Call us at 1-800-954-8250 for a “No-Obligation” consultation by an Alora Software Solutions Consultant to see if Alora is the right solution for your agency.



The Best Homecare Software for California Agencies


Alora combines the various functions of a home health care operation into one, easy-to-use software system.  Alora software includes a built-in EVV software for California. Alora empowers California home health care agencies with high efficiency and productivity.


With a suite of Home Health Care Solutions designed to meet the needs of California agencies, Alora has been the home health industry’s trusted partner since 2005 in improving patient care, maximizing revenues, cutting unnecessary costs, and streamlining workflow. Above all, Alora Homecare Software is very affordable.  Contact us today to see what you have been missing.



Integrated EVV for California


California EVV systemAlora offers California agencies a Medi-CAL approved built-in solution for electronic visit verification. Alora’s EVV system for California automatically captures and integrates all electronic visit verification data from agency visits, streamlining it directly with the Sandata aggregator, resulting in faster billing, greater efficiency, and compliance with CDSS EVV protocol.

When homecare agencies can save time by relieving the burden of managing EVV and daily homecare agency operational workflow in two separate systems, the time and cost savings improve overall operational efficiency. Alora’s Medi-Cal ready electronic visit verification brings automation and compliance to agencies seeking to simplify EVV protocol adherence.





EVV Benefits include:

  • Monitor home visits live, automatically tracking no shows or delayed visits
  • Accelerate agency billing and payroll (as EVV data is automatically populated into claims processing & payroll)
  • Complete POC-based visit notes directly from Alora’s EVV interface
  • Unmatched ease of use for clinicians – In addition to capturing EVV information, nurses & therapists can complete visit notes & assessments while at the patient’s home, enjoying access to important clinical information on their mobile device of choice
  • Empower home health aides – with Alora, aides can quickly check their schedules, look up patient information, & communicate directly with your agency through secure mail (includes text notification)






Electronic visit verification (EVV) in California requires the use of an electronic-based system that collects information through a secure website, a mobile application, or a telephone line. Federal law in concert with the parameters of the 21st Century Cures Act required all states to implement EVV for Medicaid-funded personal care services by January 2020 and home health care services by January 2023. Individual states can select and implement their own EVV system, provided the EVV system verifies:

  • The type of service performed
  • The individual receiving the service
  • The date of the service
  • The location of service delivery
  • The individual providing the services
  • The start and end time of the services provided


California EVV Deadlines


The implementation deadline for California EVV Phase I was January 01, 2021

The implementation deadline for California EVV Phase II is January 01, 2022


As an Open-model state, California’s deadlines for EVV Phases I & II were the first of January of 2021, followed by January 01, 2022. California has selected Sandata as the EVV aggregator for Phase II.  Originally for Phase I the California Medicaid program mandated that all provider agencies use their selected vendor’s state EVV system. Home Health Care & Personal Care agencies operating in California will be able to select their vendor of choice within Phase II, so long as that provider is able to successfully aggregate with the Sandata system.

Read more about California EVV in our California electronic visit verification blog

To review Alora’s EVV system for California click here


Alora – Solutions that Allow California Homecare Agencies to Excel:


Alora is ideal for agencies with multiple business lines. Learn more about Alora Personal Care Software, Private Duty Software, Hospice Software

Homecare Software TelephonyEliminate costs, automate processes, and free up your time with Alora’s Homecare Telephony solution. Telephony affords agency administrators the luxury and convenience of knowing the details of all of their nurses’ home visits, as they are happening in the field.  Our Telephony Solution captures the start and end time of each visit, and features a detailed Plan of Care report which indicates whether each task was successfully performed during the visit. Administrators are alerted for delayed visits, late arrivals, and no-shows as well, giving the Administrator a powerful tool that eliminates fraud and automates all of the processes that once drained an agency’s time and payroll. The Alora Telephony solution fully integrates with Alora’s web-based Home Health Software, automatically marking as “Complete” visits that have been successfully finished as ready for billing and payroll. Telephony is an essential agency solution for any California Homecare facility seeking to automate processes, enforce accountability, eliminate fraud, and reduce costs.


Alora SN NoteOne of Alora’s Homecare Solutions for Charting without internet, Alora SN Note is the industry’s first native iPad app, for home health visits. SN Note allows your nurses to Chart anytime, anywhere on your ipad with or without Internet connectivity. Completing visit notes on your iPad with accuracy and efficiency was never easier, and once complete, once internet becomes available at a later time the note can be fully uploaded to the main Alora Home Health Software with one simple click. The Alora SN Note app for iPad is available in the Apple app store as a download, and includes useful functionality such as capturing wound pictures, electronic signature capture for both nurse and patient, and voice dictation.


Alora Nursing No Internet, No Problem. Alora Nursing is the industry’s leading “Charting without Internet” solution designed exclusively for your Laptop computer. Like Alora SN Note, Alora Nursing allows your nurses to complete visit notes when for whatever reason, there is no internet connectivity available. Once the note is complete and the clinician leaves the premises, uploading the complete note to the main Alora Home Care software is as simple as one click. Alora Nursing literally saves your staff hours of time, eliminates costly errors, and ensures both the accuracy and complete details of your visit note. Locally installed on your nurse’s laptop for faster speed and efficiency, Alora Nursing is now available as an optional part of the Alora Suite of Homecare Software solutions for California agencies.


Alora PT- Alora PT is a web-based software solution for Physical Therapy notes conducted during home visits. Alora PT features all of the convenient fields your therapist will need to complete a Physical Therapy note, with or without internet. Go paperless for your critical therapy documentations during visits, with this powerful solution for Physical Therapy designed for your laptop computer. Like each of our other Offline solutions, Alora PT integrates with the full Alora Software, transmitting the completed Physical Therapy note once internet becomes available.


“One on One” Software Support That Always Puts Your Agency First


Too many companies focus on the wrong things when it comes to providing Home health emr solutions. At Alora, our California agency administrators and staff know that we are always there for them. Our Support team loves to talk to, assist, and get to know our customers. Alora Customer Support has been consistently rated in the highest percentile since our company’s inception. Our team is comprised of Home Health Software experts, some possessing years of industry experience far beyond Homecare software implementation. Our commitment to our family of customers is one of the core pillars of our mission statement, and it is an important factor in differentiating between Alora and other vendors in the market. We are here for you, six days a week, with English and Spanish speaking Customer Care Specialists. Alora One on One Home Health Software Support and training puts your agency first. Alora offers agencies with multiple business lines a trusted partner for growth and success, whether your agency deals primarily in skilled or nonskilled care (or both), or requires Personal Care Software, Private Duty Software, Hospice Software, or any combination, Alora is engineered for your unique business model.


Comprehensive California Home Health Care Software Features


Agency Centered Features That Allow Your Staff to Maximize Productivity


COVID-19 Screening
Complete clinical documentation
Assessments (OASIS and Non-OASIS)
Plan of Care
Visit Notes based on Plan of Care
Medication profile and administration, with interaction alert
Offline documentation
Comprehensive OASIS documentation with built-in analyzer
Electronic signature capture
Other capabilities



EVV (GPS and telephony based)
Electronic faxing
Document Review / Q.A.
Prior authorization tracking and monitoring
Secure internal email with text notification
Dashboards and analytics
Medicare eligibility / DDE access



Billing for all payers
Accounts receivables and financial reports
Employee credential tracking
Report generation




Let Alora handle the billing for you with our team of home health billing experts


As an administrator stay on top of arrival, departure, and visit length times during nursing visits in the field

Offline Charting

Chart without reliance on the internet on multiple devices with Alora’s powerful solutions for offline completion of nursing notes.

Florida Medicaid EVV

Integrated EVV with live visit monitoring and more. Alora is an alternate vendor for Florida electronic visit verification


Front-Line Clinical Care

COVID-19 Screening. Alora provides COVID-19 screening for patients and employees. Special alerts in the system can remind employees when the screening was not completed for themselves or for the patients.

Mobile-ready. Our entire platform is optimized for tablets and smartphones. All information is safely stored in the cloud. So your caregivers can access Alora home health software anywhere, anytime

Complete clinical documentation. That includes assessment, evaluation, plan of care, and visit notes for the six disciplines covered by Medicare (skilled nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech-language pathology, home health aide services, and medical social worker) and more. Alora home health software offers plan of care document that incorporates the requirements of the new Medicare Conditions of Participation (CoP) changes. In addition, Alora offers the traditional CMS-485 Certification and Plan of Care document.

Assessments (OASIS and Non-OASIS).  Alora Software helps agencies stay compliant with CMS requirements. Alora offers comprehensive OASIS assessment to help thoroughly assess patients while staying compliant with Medicare guidelines. Assessment includes Medicare M00 questions, comprehensive assessment questions as well as many tools including Braden Scale, Fall Risk Assessment, Nutritional Assessment, Pain Assessment, and much more.

For non-Medicare/non-Medicaid home health services, agencies may opt to perform the Non-OASIS assessments which are comprehensive yet faster to complete.

Alora also provides Non-Skilled Assessments for patients with non-skilled services only.

Plan of Care (POC).  Alora offers the traditional CMS-485 as well as an enhanced “living” plan of care helping agencies to stay compliant with the Medicare Conditions of Participation (CoP) requirements. Generate Plan of Care automatically from the assessment or create independently.

Alora’s POC is a dynamic document that can track the progress made and goals met during the course of the certification period. At any time, agencies can view or print the plan of care as signed by the physician as well as the POC in its most current status, incorporating all the additional orders that came in since the cert period started. Alora also generates a Patient Readable Plan of Care.

Visit notes based on Plan of Care. Did your caregivers actually do what was required in the patient’s plan of care? You won’t have to wonder – Alora home health software generates patient-specific visit notes that are derived from the POC.

Medication profile and administration, with interaction alert. Your clinicians enter and maintain information on patient medications – and the software automatically checks for drug-to-drug interactions and drug-allergy reactions (powered by Medi-Span). Alora also generates logs on medication administration and materials to educate patients.

Offline documentation. “No Internet” is no problem — clinicians complete documentation offline when the Internet is not available, then transmit their documentation with a single click when they have access to the Internet later.  Alora provides native offline applications for iPhone, iPad as well as Android phones and tablets.

Comprehensive OASIS documentation with built-in analyzer. Your clinicians’ assessment of patients is improved by a powerful analyzing tool that spots inconsistencies and other problems in OASIS forms. The result: Maximized reimbursement and better patient care.

Electronic signature capture. Patients and caregivers can electronically sign documentation using their fingers or a mouse. Captured signatures are embedded in the clinical documents. Alora home health care software can capture the GPS location with timestamp while patient signs as the proof of visit.

Other capabilities. Alora home health software offers many other features to help clinicians and agencies to stay compliant and thrive in home health care. Some of the additional features include Braden Scale, patient-specific Emergency Preparedness Plan, shift visit notes, supervisory visits notes, missed visit notes, supply log, transfer summaries, discharge summaries, patient vitals history dashboard, physician portal, and much more.

Don’t see what you’re looking for in front-line home health delivery?  Email us now >

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Or give us a call at 1-800-954-8250 at a time convenient for you.