

Home Health Agency Marketing

Five Home Health Agency Marketing Strategies

Exploring five key exclusive marketing strategies for home health agencies 


Solid marketing is a critical component of almost any business in virtually any industry. The highly competitive home healthcare market is not an exception to this idea. In this edition of the homecare thrive blog, we will review and highlight marketing strategies that are critical but often underused by the home healthcare industry. From exploring how you can use data to your advantage, to attracting attention to your agency via social media and email,  let’s focus on the 5 ways to incorporate meaningful marketing strategy into your homecare business strategy.


1. Use data to highlight your success


Nearly all home care agency marketing strategists state that their agency delivers exceptional care. Don’t just say that your agency does. Prove it. Having data that clearly shows how your agency excels is essential. Using graphic data assets, tracking your referral pipeline, satisfaction levels, hospitalizations, risk events, and other data is critical.

Set up an automated system that collects critical data regarding home care operations. Use a good home health software to streamline how you manage and record essential data points to market your services, collaborate and use new resources. The software provides insight into these and more critical performance indicators, giving you a high-level overview of your agency’s performance over time.

You may wonder how identifying problems and making changes is part of a marketing program. How you provide services is first and foremost. The data helps you pinpoint areas that need improvement. You can implement changes and monitor your success. Use the data to analyze your performance and compare it with your competitors’ performance to identify improvement areas. 

Display the information that shows how your agency excels prominently throughout your marketing program. For example, if your agency has a low rate of repeat hospitalizations, stress that in multiple ways. Have the data on your website and written marketing materials. Use the statistics when offering to speak at a conference and meeting with potential clients. Make the data work for you.


2. Use social media as a stepping-stone that leads to your agency


Home health agency leaders may feel overwhelmed by all the social media options. Regardless of your social media outlets, using lead magnets is crucial to get people to sign up for your mailing list. It should be relevant to potential subscribers and make a positive difference in the lives of those you serve. These are some goals of lead magnets:

  • Help your audience solve an issue
  • Demonstrate your expertise
  • Deliver value
  • Get readers to want more information about your services

Successful marketers try many lead magnets to find the right ones. Use a wide array of lead templates to keep website and social media users interested. Aim to get your social media followers signed up for your email newsletter. It is easier to stay in touch with them via email.


3. Use, and make the most of email marketing


While social media has a place in marketing, email is crucial. Email marketing allows for direct communication with your audience. It is vital to have active email campaigns as the foundation of your marketing campaign.

Stop and think about this for a moment. People and organizations use social networks in various ways. Some may check in several times per day, while others might check in once a month.

Now think about what each of us does every day. We check our email! Professionals, most older adults, and, indeed, their family members use email.

Building your email list is critical. Segment your list into minimum subcategories: providers, family members, the public, and former patients.

A “Subscribe to my Newsletter” box on your website is not enough. People don’t want their inboxes to be overloaded. If you want to grow your subscriber base, you must deliver value. Incentives to sign up are a fantastic way to increase your email list.


4. Be media ready


The media, including newspapers, television, radio, and podcasters, seek to create attractive, informative, and valuable materials. Be prepared by having a “Media Room”/Newsroom on your website. Media personnel can quickly identify it as a place that meets their needs. Include a link to your newsroom in your main navigation bar. It should be visible by adding a graphic indicating a link from your newsroom. It communicates that you are aware and sensitive to the time constraints of media professionals.

Include the following on your media room page:

  • Contact information
  • Possible interview topics and questions
  • News Releases
  • Your company history – includes information about the company’s history, mission, corporate philosophy, and other relevant information. You can organize it in a “fast facts page” format where the critical information is in bulleted lists
  • Case studies – Show how your services have helped individuals. Your content should be engaging and easy to read
  • Photos can be very compelling. It is crucial to ensure that the graphics you provide are high-quality
  • Biographies of agency leaders
  • Media coverage: Links for other earned media coverage. Are you or your company featured in any online magazine, newspaper, or other major media outlet?
  • Videos: Interviews clips from speaking engagements and audio files
  • Endorsements, testimonials, awards. These are social and media proof of others’ endorsements and recommendations for your work


5. Rock the media


Attracting the media is critical to gain free publicity. Your agency can be considered an expert in the home health field. Here are some tips to help prepare for an interview.

  • Practice clear communication
  • Be succinct
  • Use a compelling hook -such as a different approach to solving a problem
  • Use short and memorable phrases
  • Memorize your three most important messages
  • Use stories to illustrate key points


Use these five tips to innovate and succeed


Health care evolves constantly. Successful home care leaders and agencies must keep up. Technology, statistics, social sites, email, and the media are critical to creating and growing a vibrant, profitable, leading home health business.

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