

Software for Home Health Aide Management

Alora AideConnect is a visit management solution designed specifically for the workflow of home care agencies providing non-skilled care. AideConnect provides easy access and efficiency for both homecare aides and office administrators via a comprehensive solution for the completion and verification of visits.

Homecare Aide Software

Home Health Aide Software


Alora AideConnect offers an unprecedented workflow for the home care aides and the agency to make the life easier for the aides as well as the agency administrators.


For the aide: AideConnect empowers aides with a software tool to check their schedules, capture patient’s signature and complete plan of care based visit note.


For the agency: AideConnect provides the agency with the ability to monitor aides for timely patient visits, maintaining the highest level of control on what is happening in the field. Additionally, the system captures proof of visit while ensuring compliance and automating workflow.


Alora AideConnect is a powerful visit management solution designed specifically for the workflow of home care agencies providing non-skilled care. AideConnect provides easy access and efficiency for both homecare aides and office staff through a comprehensive solution for the completion and verification of visits. The unique Home Health Aide Software solution is optimized for the entire agency’s workflow of non-skilled home care workers, including, aides, personal care attendants (PCA), homemakers, and companion care workers. AideConnect is an extension of the Alora Home Care Software system.


  • Provides Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)
  • Automates workflow from scheduling to billing and payroll
  • Minimizes user errors & increases overall accuracy
  • Centralizes the workflow of aides into the main Alora Home Care Software
  • Captures electronic care plan based visit note
  • Reduces agency costs
  • Ensures compliance
  • Eliminates potential fraud


Click Here to Schedule a Quick Demo of AideConnect


AideConnect for the Agency – A Complete Visit Management & Monitoring System


For agencies seeking to stay on top of all visit activities in one centralized interface, using AideConnect within your workflow can be the ultimate alliance for efficiency, productivity, and accountability.



The AideConnect Monitor


AideConnect’s monitoring system gives the agency a live view of home visit activities in real time. Your agency can see every visit either started as planned, completed, delayed, or no-showed via color coded statuses.


  • Extraordinary ease of use for administrators seeking to centralize workflow into easily manageable processes within Alora Homecare Software
  • Improves efficiency and accountability of aides
  • Provides aides access to the necessary information to perform their duties effectively
  • Eliminates costs associated with paper, multiple softwares, and wasted time
  • Aide Connect is mobile ready, operating across devices including smart phones, tablets, & laptops
  • Provides proof of visit by capturing patient signature and GPS location
  • Improves aide accountability by capturing visit start time along with GPS location, and end time with GPS location
  • View all visits in the field in real time within one screen, showing you alerts for missed, delayed, and completed visits
  • Once an aide completes their visit, the system automatically readies it for billing and payroll
  • Patient specific electronic visit note derived from care plan
  • Eliminate the inconvenience of having to deliver schedules to your aides
  • Avoid the inefficiencies of dealing with paper-based time sheets


All of Your Aides – Using Their Mobile Devices

Smart Phones, Tablets, & More…

With AideConnect, your field staff can complete their visit information on their mobile devices. AideConnect can be utilized by:

  • Non-skilled home care workers
  • Home health aides
  • Personal care attendants
  • Homemakers
  • Companion care workers


For Aides – A New Level of Work-flow Efficiency


Empower Your Aides

AideConnect offers your agency an easy to use home care aide software solution for the completion of visits that can be accessed from the convenience of their compact devices such as smartphones and tablets.


  • Aides can view their individual schedules
  • Aide Connect captures start and end times for the visit along with GPS location
  • Aides can capture their signatures and the patient’s signature verified with a GPS location and time stamp
  • Aides can easily access all relevant information about their clients on their devices
  • Provides aides with care plan based visit note for completion
  • System automatically updates as the aide progresses through the visit


Home Health Aide Benefits Video


Click Here to Schedule a Quick Demo of AideConnect or call us at 1-800-954-8250 for more information.


The Alora Difference

Learn more about Alora’s complete solutions for home health care

Alora has been serving forward-thinking home health care agencies for nearly two decades. Designed to be a cloud-based complete solution for whatever type of homecare your business provides, ALORA is also an ideal solution for agencies with multiple business lines. Our customer base includes numerous agencies that offer skilled and non-skilled care, as well as hospice, private duty, pediatrics, or any combination. Alora’s Hospice Softwaresoftware for private duty home care, and emr for home health solutions allow agencies the functionality and flexibility to grow and thrive in an increasingly competitive industry. We would love to chat with you about how Alora’s award winning homecare software system can support the intricacies of your agency’s workflow.