

Home Health HIPAA Compliance

Idaho Electronic Visit Verification

To view the Idaho Medicaid EVV System solution by Alora, click here


Idaho Medicaid EVV 

What you need to know about Idaho Electronic Visit Verification 


As home health and personal care agencies work to achieve compliance with regulatory requirements with regard to Electronic Visit Verification (EVV), agencies in the state of Idaho face important deadlines for EVV implementation. As one of many states where EVV is currently in play, Idaho DHW requirements will need to be met for certain types of care in the state, or agencies will run the risk denied payments…

Idaho Medicaid EVV Info

Section 12006 of the 21st Century Cures Act mandates that U.S states are required to implement an Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system for all Personal Care Services (PCS) and home health services that require an in-home visit by a provider. All states must require EVV for PCS providers by January 1, 2020* and for home health by January 1, 2023.

The state of Idaho filed a Good Faith Effort  (GFE extension) with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and was approved, resulting in an EVV implementation date for personal care services of January 1, 2021.


When does Idaho EVV Start?

  • EVV for Idaho Personal Care services provider began on January 1, 2021
  • EVV for Idaho Home Health service begins on  January 1, 2023. 

As of the spring of 2021, Personal Care Service and Home Health providers operating in the state of Idaho are being required to begin testing with their selected EVV vendor systems and integrating with the state’s aggregator. Since EVV is mandatory, provider agencies found outside of compliance with EVV by July 1, 2021, will experience possible disruptions in reimbursement for impacted services.


To view the Idaho Medicaid EVV System by Alora, click here

Idaho EVV system

Alora is a Idaho Department of Medicaid certified EVV system for agencies operating within the state of Idaho. Packed with features that provide administrators and caregivers everything they need in one place, Alora’s complete cloud-based home health care software system features built-in electronic visit verification for Idaho home care agencies. 



What services are required under Idaho EVV? 

An approved EVV system is required for the following services:

Personal Care Services

S5125: Attendant Care
S5130: Homemaker
T1005: Respite (when rendered by a Personal Assistance Agency (PAA))
T1019: Personal Care Services

Home Health Services

0421: Physical Therapy
0431: Occupational Therapy
0441: Speech-language Pathology
0470: Audiology Services
0471: Audiology Services – Diagnostic
0472: Audiology Services – Treatment
0551: Skilled Nursing

What data does my approved Idaho EVV System collect?

Idaho is operating under a “Provider Choice EVV model,” meaning that agency providers are free to choose an electronic visit verification system of their selection, so long as that system meets the minimum requirements identified by Idaho Medicaid (DHW) and is compatible with the state’s EVV aggregator offered by Sandata. Once a provider has selected their electronic visit verification vendor, they can work directly with Sandata to report their chosen vendor and begin testing beginning in February 2021. As set forth by the requirements of the 21st Century Cures Act, Idaho DHW approved EVV systems must collect the following visit data: 

  1. Type of service performed
  2. Individual receiving the service
  3. Date of service
  4. Location of service delivery
  5. Individual providing the service
  6. Time the service begins and ends


What System Should I use for EVV?

Idaho Home health & personal care providers can select a system that works best for their agency workflow. For more information on Sandata or other compatible systems specifications and details, you may visit the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare’s official website by clicking here. To learn more about Alora’s EVV system for Idaho or about complete home health software for Idaho home health agencies with integrated electronic visit verification, click here.


Request EVV information      Request an EVV price quote

ALORA EVV Benefits include:

  • Monitor home visits live, automatically tracking no shows or delayed visits
  • Accelerate agency billing and payroll (as EVV data is automatically populated into claims processing & payroll)
  • Complete POC-based visit notes directly from Alora’s EVV interface
  • Unmatched ease of use for clinicians – In addition to capturing EVV information, nurses & therapists can complete visit notes & assessments while at the patient’s home, enjoying access to important clinical information on their mobile device of choice
  • Empower home health aides – with Alora, aides can quickly check their schedules, look up patient information, & communicate directly with your agency through secure mail (includes text notification)



How EVV began at the federal level

The state and national push for EVV began with the invention of the 21st Century Cures Act. The law was initially introduced a  few years ago to provide accountability and efficiency in the world of home health care, reducing the potential for fraud and other payment difficulties. The 21st Century Cures act requires electronic visit verification (EVV) systems for Medicaid-funded personal care services (PCS) and home health services.

Within the 21st Century CURES Act, Section 12006 listed a requirement that states had to implement a compliant EVV system for Medicaid-funded Personal Care Services (PCS) by the original dates of January 1, 2019, and additionally for Home Health Care Services (HHCS) by January 1, 2023. Federal legislation actively delayed any possible penalties for PCS implementation until January 1, 2020. The COVID-19  global pandemic spurred many states to leverage good faith extension requests to ease the already cumbersome burden of timely EVV implementation. As many implementation mandates take effect as of 2021, agencies are now positioning themselves to acquire compatible EVV systems to ensure compliance and no disturbance in timely payments.

MassHealth EVV Requirements




Read the Alora blog and website to learn more about home health software for Idaho  Idaho compatible EVV systems, and recent news, articles, and commentaries, as well as other issues that pertain to Idaho Home health care in the state and beyond. For more information on our blog, or for questions or feedback, please send us an email to HomeHealthSoftware@AloraHealth.com

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